Hello Nantucket- Below is an unsolicited review of two cannabis offerings of Ack Natural on Nantucket Island.
Mac-1 by ACK Natural
Great bud. Nice place. Considering where it was bought, pretty affordable as well.
This is my second venture into the weird, vertically integrated world of Nantucket dispensaries. This strain is from the other dispensary on the island – ACK Natural. I haven’t gotten into doing reviews of dispensaries yet but I think I’m going to get into that soon enough. I just want to make sure I have a way to be fair to all sides and also provide like useful information that helps me to learn. Similar to what I am doing with grass.
That all being said – ACK Natural is way the better of the two spots here on the island, at least based on my somewhat limited experience. The bud is significantly better and the vibe is more accessible against what I am used to; more laid back and less bustle and hustle.
This bud is great. Super wide terpene profile – 26% THC percentage but 33% total cannabinoids. As I have mentioned in a couple previous reviews – this seems to be one of the numbers that separates the middle shelf from the top shelf experientially, or should. It just seems like buds that have a wide variety and quantity of terpenes have a little extra magic in them as far as what they do to your brain. I’m still very skeptical about the specific attributes they are trying to attach to each terpene. That seems a little under researched and subjective to me still.
So yeah – dynamite bud. Very attractive, also. These were big, fluffy, hairy buds.
Strength : 9/10
Super heady buzz and lots of interesting extra things going on This bud was competitive with what I am getting at the top tier across the country.
Taste : 8/10
This bud did not stand out in terms of taste and aroma. I have had this strain elsewhere and it is just one of those “tastes mostly like good weed” strains.
Appearance : 9/10
Honestly because it isn’t shipped anywhere it makes sense that this would be some of the most intact, fluffy, and all around unhandled bud I have been able to buy at a dispensary. I would love to smoke some of the shit I have been able to find in NorCal fresh off the farm because it definitely gives the bud an edge, even despite the 4 months it lived on the shelf before making it to me.
Sunset Sherbert x Banana Buttercups by ACK Natural
This bud is prettier than it is strong. But it sure is pretty. Look at the size of that bud. Crazy.
It’s not as good as it looks but it’s still very smooth to smoke and not at all disappointing. I think it just brought less to the table, for me, than the Mac 1 which I bought at the same time and reviewed previously.
This bud is in some way more intrinsic to the place it was grown; it looks earth shatteringly beautiful but it is in fact a little problematic in some key areas. In the case of this weed, it’s like a little weaker than its numbers to me, and just kind of an average experience all the way around.
Also it seems like with these two ancestors that they could have at least invented a new name. Like just off the top of my head:
- Diddy Kong
- Banana Split
- Banana Sherbet
- Sherbertcups McGillicuddy
- Banana Sunset
Maybe some of those are taken, though? I just mean even if you had to go super specific and silly why not give it its own name? It’s going to break my website or I’m going to have to change something about the theme to accommodate a name this long. is all I’m saying. So from my perspective a shorter, catchier name would have done a lot to endear me to this weed.
Strength : 7/10
It’s just not much to write home about when compared to it’s big brother, the Mac 1.
Taste : 8/10
I mean it tasted great. With a name like Sunset Sherbert x Banana Buttercups the one thing I think you’re sure to get is a smooth hit. And that was there.
Appearance : 10/10
As I’ve said throughout this review there’ no question this bud is a stunner. I mean look at the size and girth of that throbbing bud in the middle. Crazy.
Overall Score : 25/30
I am probably being too harsh on this bud. Like if I had only bought this weed and not the Mac 1 simultaneous to it I probably would have given it a shallower curve and overall more positive thing. I took the pictures at the same time is one thing – so after seeing that bud I had it in my head that the Mac 1 was going to be the weaker and more pedestrian of the two. I think the reversal of that hypothesis is driving the overall tone of this review. Like – The Cake is a Lie! kind of fervor. So honestly – buy this weed if only to assuage my own personal guilt at my defaming it in this knavish way.
Thank you Dispensary Adventures!